One day, I consciously choose to feel beautiful. Everyone is attracted to beauty and one is feeling much better when he or she feels beautiful. In today's world, there is plenty of supplies (hair products, make-up, clothing, cosmetics transformation, etc..) to make everyone beautiful on this planet, at least on the exterior appearance... But, in my opinion, real beauty comes from the inside.
I found that in order to feel beautiful within myself, I got to be healthy first. This is my big number 1 in life. Maybe from having health issues from childhood, or not paying attention during my teen years or maybe after a car accident, I realized that health cannot be taken for granted undefinitively. I love nourishing by body with good nutritious food, non-GMO and free from pesticides, herbicides and I enjoy natural medecine and herbs. I exercise regularly, I love it and I keep sharing my Yoga, which is my number 2. Yoga is a passion and I would have never guessed that I could stick to one thing for so long.
Over the years of exploration of different styles of yoga in different corners of the globe, I came to developed my own personal way of doing it, with a major influence I discovered on Maui Island. The yoga I'm sharing has Tibetain roots, ballet principles and poses of Yoga.
As long as you got a body, you can do Yoga!
What else will contribute to feel more beautiful from the inside?
Well, that becomes very personal within everyone of us.
Secret # 1: Here's a life changing fact: The quality of life is directly connected with the quality of each breath. Knowing you have a determined amount of breaths in this lifetime, how will you choose to breathe?
The first step to change is awareness: How are you breathing right now? Could you breathe more deeply?... slowly?... More relax?... With a smile?
To my eyes, a beautiful person is someone who is truly happy. As for me, I had to create space in my life at one point to really figure it all out, like the saying, empty your plate before you can get new stuff on it, and what will you choose to eat?
Be able to name out loud your big 5 in life is really important if you want to beam with happiness. So, clarity is key! How could you fulfill your needs if you don't know what they are?
I became so passionate about this phase of inner discovery & awareness, that I built an interactive life's direction workshop featuring Clarity, Certainty & Confidence to guide lost souls in bringing a more defined path of direction into their life by identifying their Top 5. I enjoy being a source of inspiration for a better happy and healthy life. That's number 3 in my book.
About You? What Is Your True Calling?
Secret # 2: To feel beautiful... How to go about it? Well, just like at being successful, lovable, confident, you got to believe it first before it becomes proof in your reality. That's a universal law.
Take control and responsibility for your own thoughts. You could be your own best friend or worse enemy. The words are a reflection of your thoughts and your thoughts are a translation of your beliefs. Thoughts are things. That's why so many people in the self-help and therapeutic world are so obsessed with the Mind.
And what about emotions in all of this?
Well, my life's journey, brought me to deal with deep-seated emotions that were connected to trauma experience beyond this lifetime. I had to say that I was puzzled by that at first, it was a dark period for a while until I could find a healing modality that would set me free.
I came across an advanced methodology to heal traumatic emotions that worked very well for me. I was doing it on a daily basis to find relief. I ended up becoming a certified practitioner, I open my private practice www.pureconscience.com/consult and decided to embed the technique into meditations as I was teaching at a local meditation studio.
Then, I recorded them. Here is a complementary healing meditation for you. (click on the image).
This technique has also deepened my understanding of the role of the mind, build up the muscle of unconditional love and compassion and creating peace and happiness by understanding the complexities of my true nature as a human being coming to Earth.
The journey to feeling good and beautiful is a mixture of feeling good in my body, mind, emotions and feeling free (my number 4) i.e. living a life aligned with my purpose (spirit) making dreams comes true, one step at a time and baby step counts too!
My life long aspiration is to assist the world to unlock the true treasures of who they are, by assisting them with practical inner tools for a fulfilled life. In the end, it all comes down to self-love. If you love yourself, you will choose to give to your Self. I'm inviting you to explore PureConscience.com.
With much Love and live a beautiful deliberate life,